Saturday, July 25, 2009



The truth is the truth and does not need us to believe in it to be true. The absolute truth is changeless and eternal, it stands on its own because it is truth and there is no power on this earth that can make it untrue. We can teach something that is not true and with the world media we can share it, and have millions of others believe it with us, but we can’t make it true. Whether we believe in evolution or creation is not important to what is true, it is only important to our own experience of life, it is only important to our own sense of well being and peace of mind.

Our beliefs are important to us in that what we believe paints the landscape that we view. It can be a thing of beauty or a baron ugly place striped of anything of value. It is like wearing sunglasses that not only change the color of what we see but also the substance. Everything we look upon is therefore skewed to reflect what we believe. Like a mirror our beliefs reflect back to us their own image, complete with the evidence that supports that image. When I find myself in emotional pain it is because I have chosen to believe in something that is not true. As our beliefs change so does our view and experience of the world around us.

For example; if we believe in death then in everything we look upon we will see that which will die, conversely if we believe in eternal life then all we see will have life eternally. Our experience of life will ebb and flow as our beliefs change. If our beliefs remain the same then our experience of life would be changeless. Given that, if the truth is changeless and yet our experience of life changes as we learn and grow then it stands to reason that we do not as yet know the truth or at least not the whole truth.

I think that we all know bits and pieces of the truth and somewhere deep inside we actually know the whole truth, yet until we seek or look for it, until we are willing to lay down the sunglasses of our current beliefs to see things in a different light then we will not find it. In baseball terms we cannot get to second base while keeping one foot firmly planted on first, and if we can’t even get to second base then we will never even get close to coming home. I for one do not claim to know the truth, I only know that by searching for it I at least have a shot at finding it and that if you will join me on this journey, that our chances improve and just maybe we can find it together. The key to life is not to cling to our beliefs, but to challenge them with the purpose of finding truth. Seek and you will find, this much I know to be true.

By Kevin Burroughs

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